Rae of Light Counseling
Individual & Online Counseling
Specializing in Trauma, Codependence, Military & First-Responders
(602) 540-6272

Coffee Cup Therapy
When you just need a good listener for those everyday questions and struggles, there's Coffee Cup Therapy. No insurance paperwork, no confusing jargon, no unsolicited advice from Mom... just comfortable conversation and fellowship. It's what counseling should be.
Special prepaid pricing available.
Individual Therapy
Adults & Adolescents
I counsel adults to help them heal from life stressors and the effects of trauma. The goal of therapy is to learn to maintain more productive lives and more fulfilling relationships. Adults who can manage their thoughts and regulate emotions appropriately establish healthier relationships and navigate the ups and downs of life more effectively.
I counsel adolescents to help them heal from events and traumas that can change the way one views him or herself. When adolescents change their beliefs about self and develop a stronger belief in inherent worth, they are more prepared to face the stresses of life and use the resources they have to become stronger, happier, more productive adults.
Trauma & Codependence
Including Military & First Responders
With training in both EMDR and PIT, an integrative style of therapy emerges that allows a variety of aspects of trauma and trauma-strained relationship issues (codependence) to be addressed simultaneously.
Military personnel, police officers, fire fighters, paramedics/EMTs and their families face higher than normal rates of traumatic stress, as well as a variety of other mental health and relational issues specifically related to the demands and natural stresses of these careers.
Online (Video) Therapy
Counseling within Reach
Research shows that, in many cases, online counseling is as effective as in-person counseling. Additionally, this form of therapy offers easier scheduling and reduced travel. You can fit in your appointment before school, on a work break, or during the kids' swim lesson. You get all the benefits of a face-to-face counseling session from the convenience of your computer, tablet or smartphone. Whether you are busy, far away, or just have a tough time getting out of the house, online counseling can help make accomplishing your mental health goals a reality.

The Work
In therapy, the old adage is true - you get what you give. Good therapy is not a band-aid or a magic wand. Therapy requires time and hard work. It involves struggle and sometimes emotional pain. It is through a client's willingness to face these struggles that he or she will grow.
I call it "doing the work."